Petra Jordan/ Πέτρα Ιορδανία

We traveled to Jordan in February 2022, together with our dear friends, Liana and Antonis. We left Athens after booking tickets from Ryanair with 45€. Prices that we will hardly see again! We landed in the beautiful city of Aqaba, where we stayed over night. It was a 4-day trip that we will remember forever & you will understand why by reading below!

The city of Aqaba

A sweetest city built next to Red Sea. Aqaba is a very important port of Jordan, as it is very close to Israel and Egypt. Its coastline is adorned with exotic palm trees, has sandy beaches and is ideal for activities in the water of the Red Sea. Red Sea is world famous for its spectacular seabed, making it ideal for scuba diving and snorkeling, at very good prices.

Αqaba Jordan/ Άκαμπα Ιορδανία

In less than an hour’s drive from Aqaba you have the opportunity to find yourself in one of the most popular deserts, for its crimson sand dunes and huge rocks, the Wadi Rum desert. Also, in less than 2 hours by car from Aqaba, you have the opportunity to visit one of the 7 modern wonders of the world, Petra of Jordan.

Do I need a visa for my trip to Jordan?

What you should buy online before your trip to Jordan is the Jordan Pass card. A special ticket that offers favorable prices to many attractions and archaeological sites in Jordan as well as a visa to enter the country. The card is ideal for travelers who want to visit many of the country’s popular attractions and save time and money.

Jordan Pass includes entry to popular attractions such as Petra, Amman’s ancient Roman theater and more. In addition, the card provides entry to many museums and archaeological sites throughout the country.

One of the major advantages of the Jordan Pass is that it also includes an entry visa to Jordan. This means you can enter the country without having to pay for a separate visa.

It is important to check the current rates and coverage of the card Jordan Pass before your trip, as information may change. The card can be purchased either online before your trip, or upon your arrival in Jordan, depending on your preferences.

Our arrival at Wadi Rum desert

Wadi Rum Jordan/ έρημος Ιορδανία

Our real adventure began when we arrived at the enchanting Wadi Rum desert. There, we immersed ourselves in a world of red sands and impressive rocks. Our days were filled with hiking and exploring, while the nights under the starry sky of the desert gave us unique moments.

Read more about our stay at Wadi Rum desert.

Our visit to the archaeological site of Petra

The next day we left Wadi Rum and headed to the magnificent archaeological site of Petra. There, a day tour gave us the opportunity to explore the ancient city and indulge in its mysterious atmosphere.

The story of Petra in a nutshell

The city of Petra in Jordan takes its name from the Greek word “petra” (which means stone), because of its extraordinary architecture, which is carved into the rocks of the surrounding mountainous landscape.

The history of Petra dates back centuries, with evidence of existence from the 4th century BC. The city was developed by the ancient Nabataean people, Arab people, who managed to harness the natural environment and build the city’s impressive architecture.

The monuments of Petra are unsurpassed

Siq canyon: It is one of the most impressive features of Petra in Jordan. It is a natural entrance corridor to the archaeological city. The entrance to the Siq is narrow, with tall rocks hugging the corridor, creating a magical setting.

The Siq is about 1.2 kilometers long and walking through it is a disruptive experience. The walls of the canyon are made up of various layers of stone, with colors ranging from pink and red to brown, creating a spectacular effect of color changes during the day.

The Siq Gorge opens into the imposing “Treasure” (Al Khazneh), which is one of the main points of interest in Petra.

Αl Khazneh treasury: Also known as “Treasury”, it is an impressive building that characterizes the entrance to the city. The Treasury is a monumental tomb built in the 1st century AD. from the Nabateans, the ancient people of the region. This impressive structure is characterized by its rock-cut pink stone and exquisite architecture.

The “Treasure” has been the setting for many movies and series, and is one of the most photographed monuments in Petra. Its impressive presence and the mysterious aura that surrounds it make the “Treasure” an inevitable stop for any visitor exploring this ancient city.

In addition, the ancient theater of Petra is one of the largest of the ancient Roman era and has a capacity of about 7,000 spectators. The imposing temples, royal residences, tombs and other archaeological findings reflect the rich history of the city and the culture of the Nabataeans.

Petra was recognized as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1985, as well as one of the 7 modern wonders of the world. It remains a magical destination for visitors who want to discover the antiquity and beauty of this unique city.

Petra ancient theatre/ Αρχαίο θέατρο Πέτρας
Ancient theater of Petra

How our tour of Petra ended

Our tour on this wonderful site ended ingloriously, as heavy rain broke out and the archaeological site had to be evacuated immediately. Our guide led us through a donkey path to a road where a taxi could reach us. We even wore big, black garbage bags as waterproofs to protect us from the heavy rain. The taxi was waiting for us on the road, while the wonderful local guide offered to host us for a few hours at his house, to change clothes and drink some hot tea. We gladly accepted and thus spent warm and welcoming moments in a very impressive house with an oriental atmosphere. After we dried off and got settled in the family’s guest lounge, the tour continued via a presentation from his computer. After a few hours we said goodbye but with a promise of a future visit and continued our road to Wadi Rum.

If you also want to have a superb guided tour of the archaeological site of Petra with a guide who will make you feel safe no matter what happens, contact us here.

Petra Jordan/ Πέτρα Ιορδανία

As we returned to the Wadi Rum desert, emotions were mixed: We were leaving the unique Petra behind us, but we knew there was more to come. Wadi Rum welcomed us again with its inexplicable beauty, giving us the opportunity to create memories that will accompany us forever.

Read more about the unique magic experience that can be offered to you by Wadi Rum desert.

This trip to Jordan was an adventure, a lesson and an experience of a lifetime. As we returned home, loaded with backpacks and unfulfilled desires to return, we held within us the beauty and magic of Jordan, a world we shared with dear friends and that will forever accompany us in our memories.

Travel to beautiful Jordan through our organized tour: 6 DAYS IN JORDAN: AMMAN-DEAD SEA-PETRA-WADI RUM DESERT.