And now you will say… I don’t want to even bother with my nutrition on my vacation. You may be partially right, because on our journeys we all want to enjoy, stay relaxed and don’t care about nothing, especially how many calories we eat. Nevertheless, it is important that we can enjoy our trip without guilt, without deprive ourselves from special tastes and without any problems on our journey back home. As such, dietitian-nutritionist Iliana Mameka gives us 6 nutritional advice, so as not to take any weight but also stay safe during your entire trip.
Let’s take a closer look!
#1 Local cuisine taste
Wherever you go – whether it is abroad or not – you will make sure to try the local cuisine as well as the dishes. You shall not deprive of anything! What you can do, though, is split the food that you want to try, in between your days, and not try them all togehter on the same day. As such, you will avoid calories overconsumption.
#2 Eat a good breakfast, without exaggerations!

Most of us on our vacation – mostly when accommodation includes breakfast – we try to eat almost everything that is on the table, with the excuse that we will consume the next meal late in the evening, resulting in a hypercaloric meal. It would be good to have in mind that your plate should include a source of carbohydrate , protein, a source of fat and vegetable fibers so as to reach to your saturation.
#3 Hydration!!
The most important of the 6 nutritional advice. On our trip we are constantly outside the hotel, the kilometers we walk are infinite, and the best we have to do is to carry at least one bottle of water, in order to stay hydrated. Do not forget that if being dehydrated, many symptoms such as weakness, headache, dizziness will start show up, and will not let you enjoy your ride.

Dietitian-nutritionist Iliana Mameka suggests that, at least 2 liters of water daily are necessary. After all, with the proper hydration you help your metabolism work properly!
#4 Organize your snacks
It would be nice to supply yourself with food from the local market, where it can be maintained outside fridge. For example, fresh fruit or/and dried, compined with nuts – for better satiety, a slice of bread with nut cream and honey or jam.

In our travels, we always take a small jar of paste made from dried nuts, such as tahini or pumpkin seed paste, which are high in protein, keeping us satisfied and energized for hours!
Dietitian-nutritionist Iliana Mameka emphasizes that during our mid-meals, we can plan to consume a local delicacy, which we can “burn off” by walking! (2 in 1, in other words).
#5 Choose safe products
Be careful the products you consume are safe, as far as its organizational characteristics (taste, smell, color, looks) as well as the temperature, moisture and condition of food maintenance, in order not to have unpleasant annoyance and loose days of your trip!
#6 Colorfull fruit & Vegetables!!!
The more color you have on your bowl, the more vitamins you will take on! Always try, on your main meal, to have a salad for better satiety and take on vitamins and trace elements, that are necessary for your organization. The same goes with fruit. On your inbetween meals, as well as on your breakfast, try to consume one fruit for hydration, saturation, vegetable fiber and vitamin aquistion, but also for the best function of your intestine.

With the above 6 nutritional advice you shall enjoy an even better trip and you will return without gaining not even a single kilo!
“I wish great trips, that will fill you eyes and mind with images, and gain the most of it”,dietitian-nutritionist Iliana Mameka.
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