Τενερίφη, Κανάρια νησιά/ Tenerife, Canary islands

The Canary Islands are an archipelago consisting of several islands. In total, there are hundreds of islands and islets. However the best known and largest of these islands are seven with Tenerife being the largest island and the capital of the Canary Islands.

Tenerife will enchant you with its contrasts! It has everything! Volcanoes, exotic, golden beaches, black beaches, good food, picturesque villages and towns, rich natural beauty! The distances are quite long, with the road network being huge but in very good condition. If you want to explore all of Tenerife you will definitely need 10 days and the best way to do it is by renting a camper van. We unfortunately stayed in Tenerife for 6 nights and rented a car through RentalCars with Topcar (really the best), only for €20 per day with full coverage. But Manos drove at least 3 hours every day and that’s when we thought a camper van would be a great idea to rent.

There is no direct flight from Greece to the Canary Islands. So, in total our trip included 4 flights. On the way to Tenerife we ​​flew through France, while on the way back through Italy. In total, the 4 flights cost us €160 per person, a very good price that convinced us to book them straight away through Kiwi. We landed at the southern airport of Tenerife (TFS), which is also the busiest. Tenerife has another airport in the north (TFN).

Knowing what we like to see and experience on our travels, we left out the big industrial cities and tourist beaches and visited specific towns and villages while also specific activities. Let’s see them in detail.

Which cities to visit?

In 6 days in wonderful Tenerife we ​​visited the cities of La Orotava, Garachico & La Laguna. We avoided wasting time in the island’s capital, Santa Cruz, as we drove through and found it very industrial and uninteresting. We also heard very good things about the city of Puerto de la Cruz in the north, but unfortunately we didn’t make it, so we haven’t formed a personal opinion.

La Laguna

The city of La Laguna is located in the north of the island of Tenerife, it is the first city founded in the Canary Islands, taking its name from a lake (Laguna in Spanish) that has disappeared for many years. As far as the oldest city on the island, it is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is Tenerife’s university city. Its historic streets will offer you an unforgettable experience.

Among the sights, worth seeing:

  • Plaza del Adelantado
  • Nava and Salazar Palaces
  • Santa Catalina and Santa Clara monasteries
  • Iglesias de la Concepcion Catholic church, built in 1511.

La Orotava

The historic town of La Orotava from the 16th century is also located north of the island of Tenerife. The city has many buildings of historical importance and has been declared a monument of European cultural heritage. A walk will convince you that the city is worth even more!

Among the sights, you can admire:

  • La Concepcion Church
  • The house of La Casa de los Balconies, 1632, one of the most traditional and characteristic buildings of the city.
  • Marquesado de la Quinta Roja park, where you will enjoy a wonderful view, as it is the highest point of the city.
  • De la Concepcion & C. Calvario square, wonderful spot with a view of the whole city and sea. After being mesmerized by the sunset at this location, have a glass of wine at ‘Bar Parada Cerveceria’. Order shrimps with garlic in a fireproof pan. You will remember us!


A beautiful small town, which you can admire while walking through its picturesque streets. Plaza Libertad will enchant you with its beauty. There, you will meet the palace with its stone facade. Sit in the Kiosko coffee shop that you will find on the square and enjoy the beautiful aura of this village. We learned that this particular city is very often chosen for the shooting of Hollywood films. You never know, you might get lucky and stumble upon the filming of a Hollywood movie!

In 1706, Garachico almost completely disappeared under the lava that poured out from the Trevejo volcano, but it was reborn from its ashes. More beautiful than ever!

On your daily routes you will notice a large number of banana plantations! The island is full!

Which villages to visit?

There are many villages in Tenerife! Of these we singled out 2 very special ones, the beautiful villages of Masca & Taganana. Below we describe why you should visit them!


Masca is a small mountain village with about 90 inhabitants. The village is located at an altitude of 650m. in the Marcial de Teno mountains, at the top of the Masca gorge. The route to the village includes several turns and particularly narrow roads. If you decide to rent a camper van, you will not be able to approach the specific village. But there are many tourist offices that you can book at Get your guide, at low cost, to bring you up to this wonderful village.

In the village of Masca it is worth following the path that leads from the village to the beach. It is a route that takes about 3 hours/route and requires good physical condition, especially for the climb. For this activity you will find all the information, here. Don’t miss walking through the streets of the village to admire the beautiful scenery and try local flavors at the vegan restaurant El Guanche Masca.


Taganana Tenerife/Τενερίφη

A remote village gem high in the north of Tenerife. You can combine it with hiking in the Anaga Natural Park. You will not meet many tourists and it is easily accessible if you have rented a camper van. It has an amazing view of, both the mountain and the sea! Its beaches have wild natural beauty, are unorganized and you can enjoy a true volcanic beach diving experience. The village of Taganana is a destination for you, if you want a break from the tourist areas of the island and be as close as it gets with nature!

Natural pools in Tenerife

In Tenerife there are many natural pools that have been formed by lava that reached the sea. One of the most beautiful is El Caleton located in the town of Garachico and you can dive safely as the waters are always calm.

For the more daring, south of the island there is the natural pool Cueva La Vaca, where the view and creation of nature will take your breath away. There are some natural steps to go down and up but in general you need to be careful as the currents will make it difficult for you to climb up.

Natural parks in Tenerife

Teide National Park

Teide National Park is on the list of top activities to do in Tenerife and should be added to your life as well! A must-do activity in Tenerife is to make your way to the Teide National Park, named after the Teide volcano, the 3rd largest volcano in the world and the highest peak in Spain.

It was something we had been waiting for since we booked the tickets. It is a unique experience, being so close to an active volcano and indeed one of the largest in the world. Teide volcano is located at 3,715m. being the 3rd largest volcano in the world, with the other 2 standing in Hawaii.

Read more about our experience here: Meet the 3rd largest active volcano in the world!

Anaga Natural Park

The Anaga Natural Park is located north of the island of Tenerife and access is free. Anaga Park includes many picturesque villages, such as the village of Taganana we visited, beaches of unparalleled natural beauty and many hiking trails. The roads stretchs around the pointed mountain peaks, with magnificent view that reach as far as the Atlantic ocean! Unfortunately, we only had one day to explore the wider area and only got a small taste. If you are a lover of nature and its tranquility, it is worth spending more time, as the landscape and its contrasts will blow out your mind!

The spectacular mountain peaks and ravines of Anaga Park were formed millions of years ago by a volcanic eruption!

Which beaches are worth seeing in Tenerife?

Playa La Tejita

The first beach we visited as it is very close to Tenerife south airport where we landed. It was our 1st swim in the Atlantic ocean and it will definitely be unforgettable. Large, sandy, clean beach with crystal clear, cool water. It is not crowded, as it is far from the citires, and this is what makes it especially dear to those looking for tranquility.

Playa de Benijo

Playa de Benijo Taganana
Playa de Benijo

North of the island, after crossing the Anaga Natural Park and reaching the village of Taganana, follow the signs for Benijo Beach. This beach will enchant you with its natural beauty, its wild and authentic appearance. The dangerous currents allow you to play like a child with the waves and enjoy one of the most powerful sunsets of your life.

We don’t like tourist beaches at all, nevertheless we decided to try 3 of many that exist south of the island of Tenerife.

Playa Las Teresitas

In the capital of the island, Santa Cruz, you will find the artificial beach las Teresitas with turquoise waters, palm trees and golden sand from the Sahara desert. A very touristic beach, nevertheless quite impressive. If you find yourself near the capital, it’s your only option to cool off!

playa las Teresitas, Tenerife/Τενερίφη
Playa Las Teresitas

Playa de los Guios

Playa de los Guios
Playa de los Guios

At Playa de los Guios you will swim under imposing volcanic rocks 600m high. You can even go canoeing and kayaking and admire the impressive rocks. An experience you will never forget.

Playa Del Duque

Playa del Duque
Playa del Duque

Turquoise and very warm waters, gray sandy beach with lots of people!

Abama beach

Abama beach is very beautiful and relatively calm compared to the other beaches in the south. But you have to go early in the morning, because you will have to park high enough and there are a lot of steps to reach the sea. We got there, saw it from above and left because we were unable to park close enough.

Other popular beaches south of the island are:

Playa las Americas, costa Adeje, Playa los cristianos, Playa Amarilla, Playa de la Jaca,

Which flavors to try?

The cuisine of Tenerife is simple but very tasty, based on local products. If you want to eat cheap and like a genuine local, you will look for restaurants with the name “guachinches” on the map. There are so many, almost all over the island. Be sure to try canarian potatoes (they are baby, baked potatoes, delicious), as well as baked chickpeas and shrimps with garlic in the pan.

Where to book accommodation

The island of Tenerife offers a huge range of accommodation and different types of accommodation for travelers. We chose to stay in a hotel in the north, next to the town of Puerto de la Cruz. We wanted to stay in a quiet area, less touristy and overlooking the Atlantic ocean. So, we chose Precise Resort Puerto de la Cruz, where for 60€ a day we had a rich breakfast, access to 2 swimming pools, gym and a beautiful room with a view of the Atlantic Ocean. A stay that will definitely be unforgettable!

Another very good option for accommodation is on the north side of the island is the town of La Laguna.

If you still want to stay in the south, to have easy access to beaches and other activities, you will find most accommodations in Playa de las Americas and Costa Adeje.

We would suggest you to divide your stays in north and south so as not to waste too much time in driving. Half of your days in the north, so you can explore the north comfortably and the other half in the south to enjoy the tourist part of the island. Also, if you like the idea of ​​a camper van, it combines everything and works just as well!

But be careful, don’t try to approach the village of Masca with a camper van, as the roads are very narrow and you will get into trouble. In this case, book an organized day trip to the village of Masca. You will find the best offers, here.

How to get around Tenerife

Tenerife is a very large island with a huge and well-maintained road network. You will definitely need to rent a car or camper van to reach places worth visiting. But be prepared for several hours of driving that are worth your effort and time.

Otherwise, you can discover the beauties of Tenerife comfortably through organized excursions, with their costs being particularly economical. A particularly convenient way, because you don’t have to worry about how to get to the different places, parking and planning in general.

Are holidays in Tenerife affordable?

Yes! Yes! Yes! Although the Canary Islands belong to Spain, they have a different economic policy from the rest of Europe. Tenerife and the Canary Islands in general are a tourist and economic paradise. As an example, an overnight stay in a very good hotel in the north costs 60€ per day with breakfast, petrol around 1€/litre, car rental 20€ per day with full coverage, 5 liters of water at the supermarket cost 0,80€, a beer will cost you 1.50€, a full meal for 2 people in a local restaurant 25€. Do you need more to be convinced?

See more about our trip to Tenerife in the highlight stories #TENERIFE on Ιnstagram

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